Spot-billed pelican / గూడకొంగ / గూడబాతు / దేవరాయి కొంగ / కొల్లేటి కొంగ - A migratory bird of a large size weighing 6-9 Kgs (avg) flies in flocks and mostly lives in the marsh lands, preying on the fish, flying and honking.. Can eat an average to big sized fish in a gulp having the sack kind of skin / muscles supporting the lower jaw..
Showcase of all the snaps shot with my "Third Eye" with a mix of passion, interest, hobby and of-course little of pain.. Birds fall under my primary interest, followed by Temples, Heritage, People, Animals, Antiques, Country-side and Traditional art-forms, Rituals and a lot many.. Comments / suggestions / advises / likes - always welcomed with a big heart of infinite GB @ :-)